recreational dance classes

Every child deserves to dream, and for these special dancers, their dream as a dancer is fulfilled each week.

Ballerina Dreams Program:
Classes are held once per week in a group setting. Every child has a volunteer assigned to them by PSOD. The program focuses on gross motor skills, musicality and social interactions.


Dance Therapy Program:
Classes are held once per week in a one-to-one class setting. Skill development includes musicality, balance, coordination and gross motor skills. 

Their smile says it all!

therapy dance


art lilypads

A parent's testimonial:

"To dance across the lily-pads is an impossibility; she’s not supposed to be able to do it, but she does. Our daughter’s recent start in a ballet class inspired me to paint this whimsical piece.

The class is not a typical ballet class. This one is filled with little girls all with some sort of disability. Aside from their matching body suits and ballet slippers, they all wear something else – sheer JOY that shows in their ear-to-ear constant smiles. Their eyes sparkle brighter than the North Star because they’re DANCING! ~ It’s magnificent to watch!

Our daughter suffered a stroke in utero. As a result of her stroke, she has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. With a very grim prognosis early on, it’s hard to believe where she is today. She has exceeded all expectations in leaps, bounds and curtsies!"